Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Personal Goals

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Personal Goals Paper

What do individuals want to get out of life? This is a hard question for many people to answer. So many have never had to sit down and think about what they really want. It's easier to know what other people want of you and not what you want of yourself. Finding my personal goals wasn't easy for me to do either. I have decided I want to stay happy and energetic about my career path I have chosen. My career choice must be well paid for my family and I to stay financially stable. I also aim to keep my relationship intimate throughout life. I want to strive in keeping myself active by staying physically fit so others accept me. I approached my personal goals by using the five different areas involving parts of my life and values. The five life areas are personal, family, school/career, financial, and lifestyle. All five areas are interconnected and will affect each other.

Personal goals should be examined daily, for they may change due to circumstances happening in your life. Keeping them updated will help you stay on track to accomplish your goals, short-term or long-term.

A chart with all five life areas will help you fill in important goals to reflect values you hold for yourself. The goals can and should be changed or updated as events change in your life. As long-term goals are tracked, they will change through each stage in your life. Goals I had as a teenager are not the same as the goals I have for myself today. Goals I have now as a student at University of Phoenix will not be the same as the goals I will have as a mother and even as a grandmother. As I age, my goals and value will change. Some may stay the same, but many will change and need reevaluated.

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First, I have established a goal toward personal. I would love to keep my body tone and attractive. In order to do this I must stay on a good diet. I need to keep myself active in some way so I don't resort to eating something because I have nothing better to do. I have a training room at work I am going to use everyday for at least and hour. Keeping this schedule will help me accomplish this long-term goal. My second goal is in family. I want to spend more time with my parents. I recently moved out of my parent's home the first of 00 and moved in with my fianc. I am the youngest of three children and I am the last the leave. My sister lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and my brother is in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I still live close enough to visit, but never do. My mom calls all the time asking me to do things with her and I put her off. It makes me sad to hear how lonely she is without any of her children around. I am trying to keep a schedule of days to spend with my parents. Making specific days to go makes it easier to do because it becomes a part of my weekly schedule. Every Sunday my fiancand I go to his parent for dinner, so I chose every Saturday afternoon to spend with my parents. Third, is my school/career goal. I want to finish my bachelor's from University of Phoenix. Each day I decided I need to read every chapter assigned to keep me active in my class work along with finishing all assignments with ample time before the day of my class. To be satisfied with this accomplishment, I require myself to pass each class with a B average or better. If I stay on track with my studies, I can move closer to finishing this goal. This is a number one priority for me. Financial is the next goal. I enrolled at University of Phoenix to get my bachelor's degree so I can move up in my present company. I want to be prepared for any opportunity that may arise. I don't want to pass up an important position because I have no qualifications. I want to eventually be considered an important aspect for the Government. Without the ability to move up in my position, I will not be able to provide for my family. This is very important to me; it is also a number one priority. Lastly is my lifestyle goal. Having an intimate relationship is important to me. A family should stay together and show their love everyday. I want to be a minority in this country and not get a divorce. Too many people divorce and it's not fair for the families created by the marriage. Each day I will always say, "I love you" to my significant other. I will set aside alone time to spend with him to talk or sit quietly watching a late night movie. I want to be happy and without communication, togetherness, and love, it will never work.

You can see how every life area is tied together. Without my school/career goal, I will not accomplish my financial area. Without my personal goal, my lifestyle goal may not be as healthy as I want. All five goals need to be worked towards and modified as needed to keep you looking forward to the future. So what do you want to get out of life? Is it as hard as it seems, or do we make it hard because of our fear of failure? Accomplishing your goals is hard and failure may become an opstical. I look over my goals and mission often to keep me pushing harder to overcome the fear of failure.


Please note that this sample paper on Personal Goals is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Personal Goals, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Personal Goals will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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