Thursday, June 4, 2020

Animals Should not be used for the Entertainment of Humans

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Man and animals have walked this planet Earth together for millions of years. But God made Man smarter than the other species. A race that could make up for their lack of physical strength with their incredible mental capabilities. A race that could survive in almost anywhere in the world given the necessary resources. A race that grew up to be proud and arrogant of their superiorities, such that they began to make use of the other creatures to do their bidding. To carry logs, or for ridiculous health products or as vehicles. But by far, I believe the most humiliating purpose is the usage of animals as toys for our own pleasure and entertainment. I believe animals should not be used for the entertainment of humans. My argument will prove how inhumane this act is and that it merely portrays a barbaric and uncivilized image of Mankind that Man constantly denies.

One might argue that we use animals for entertainment because of our fascination for them and that we respect them, which is why we want to show them to the society, to be awed by their beauty. But is it proper to lock them up in cages or to deny them the freedom they were meant to be born into or make them do silly, humiliating juggling acts? This, obviously, does not prove our admiration and fascination in anyway but it only shows that we wish to humiliate them as much as possible, almost as though we hate them. We use them as entertainers in circuses and at zoos where they are openly humiliated. But why should we care, the creatures won't understand this humility. Whether or not these animals do understand this humility or not, this situation can be likened to a situation where by a boy insults a deaf man right in front of him. While the deaf man may not know he is being foul-mouthed, it is more of a matter or moral integrity and being civilized. Similarly, we must act as the civilized race we claim to be.

While humility of the animals is one thing, a more serious issue is the fact that in the process of getting these animals to entertain us, we actually are harming them in a variety of ways. For example, in one occasion, animals from a Spanish circus were being transported by ship to Indonesia for a show. Apparently a container went missing and the animals in it had to endure two weeks of unbearable heat and hardly any water or food. By the time they were found, most of the animals were either dead or dying. But often, this pain is not inflicted accidentally but also on purpose. During circuses, to make tigers stand on their hind legs and walk on them, trainers sometimes burn their fore legs to prevent them from using them. Elephants are drugged and hurt by being stabbed or being electrocuted to make them more docile and to make them follow instructions without striking back. It is a complete infringement on animal rights and it is simply barbaric and cannot be allowed to go on!

Animals may be less smart than Man, but that does not give us the right to make use of them as toys to entertain us when we feel like it. If that is the case, why not we use people with mental retardation or people with mental problems to entertain us because of their lack of mental capacity. We do not do this because they are our own kind and only we have the right to do this. Similarly, who gives us the right to control the destiny of another animal not even of human race?

Essay help on Animals Should not be used for the Entertainment of Humans

Zoos have recently been seen as a place where animals can be bred and protected from the harsh world outside, but I feel the opposite is occurring. By placing them in zoos, we are removing their freedom they were born with. Instead every moment of the day, they have got people watching their every move. Furthermore, in contrary to the fact animals are kept in the zoo to breed, animals seem to breed a lot less while in captivity than when in the wild. When they are released into captivity, they cannot survive for long because all the skills of survival in their habitats have either been forgotten or not even taught in the first place. As a result, these points prove that the zoo has been quite unsuccessful in their missions.

At the end of it all, it will occur in one's mind that animals are not iven a choice in the forst place to make this their lives. They get caught when the young or when a bit older but they are not give a choice, which is unlike human entertainers, where they agree to it and perform.

As you can see in the argument I have put forward so far, the usage of animals for our entertainment is uncivilized, barbaric and inhumane. I hope that together, we as humans, can stop this childish act and understand that animals, while they not be as mentally capable, demand a certain amount of due respect.

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