Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Treaty of Versailles

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Treaty of Versailles. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Treaty of Versailles paper right on time.

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At the end of the Great War of 11, the world looked to bring peace and stability into Europe. The big five powers set to hold Germany responsible for causing the war and to pay for all damages caused. Also they wanted to make sure that Germany was never able to reach the peak it was during the Great War.

The Treaty of Versailles was a 448 article was produced holding Germany liable for all aggressions caused and held impunity until 10, a year later in Washington the nine great powers gathered to produce the Washington Naval Treaty, this was a treaty of limitations on one of their greatest assets, the capital warship.

By 14 Germany with Hitler at full control of the mighty German war machine, the treaty of Versailles was completely dead. It was designed to make Germany pay and never reach its full strength but only two decades later it was stronger than ever and the will of the German people was more determined than ever. Japan had also killed the Washington Naval treaty by increasing their warships against the quota and had many territorial gains. This was just the start of the collapse of the "New World Order"

Why had Germany risen up against the Treaty of Versailles? Germany was humiliated to the world, and the people of Germany resented the Treaty very much, they were limited in their capacity to build up a military and had to pay large reparations to other countries such as France, Britain, US and Italy. One thing was that the treaty wasn't that well done, Germany was still allowed to keep the massive gold reserve, little land was lost and still remained one of the largest nations in Europe.

Cheap research paper on The Treaty of Versailles

The Great depression came and swept the world like wild fire, Hitler sized this opportunity and all the problems in Germany during the Weimar Republic. Moral in Germany was low, unemployment was high and the people of Germany wanted a change. Hitler gave them that change and made the Jews the scape goat of all problems. No one paid attention of the new wave sweeping Germany as other countries were worried about their own domestic problems. Hitler set to rebuild Germany which met no resistance from other countries.

By 15, Hitler had pulled out of the League of Nations and told he will run Germany him self. The Treaty of Versailles wasn't well enforced as the US never joined it, the USSR was evolved in its own revolution and most important the US being an economic power, they never ratified the Treaty of Versailles. The US and Britain pledged to come to France's aid if ever attacked but the US never signed the treaty so the US never had any obligation to help France and with no US, Britain could not honor her part of the deal to help France.

Britain then let Germany build up her navy to 5% of the British Navy and of course Germany agreed. France felt left out of this and became wary of German actions next door. Disagreements between the great world powers let Hitler to do what he wants and in 16 he marched his army straight into the Rhineland and no opposition was met.

In August 1, the USSR joined Germany in non-aggression pact which worried Britain and France as this left Poland in very shaky grounds. Hitler marched through Poland and met the USSR half way there, France was taken in 140 and defeated in 5 days and no Britain was left alone to face the might of the Germany military.

Stalin supplied Hitler with oil until June 140 when Hitler decided to invade the USSR, most of Europe was under Hitler's control and it looked like no one could stop Germany. Japan on the other side of the world had made massive gains. A tripartite pact was signed in September 140 between Italy, Germany and Japan and agreed to set up the "New Order."

The New World Order did not entirely collapse under the force of nation sates, its own shortcomings contributed to its downfall. There were no means to rehabilitate and limit Germany potential for belligerency. Germany lost little in terms of territory, in the Versailles peace, as Germany still remained one of the larges nations in Europe. The Versailles peace was too harsh; it made no effort to rehabilitate Germany.

Please note that this sample paper on The Treaty of Versailles is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Treaty of Versailles, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Treaty of Versailles will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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