Thursday, May 28, 2020

It's OK to be NORML

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on It's OK to be NORML. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality It's OK to be NORML paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in It's OK to be NORML, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your It's OK to be NORML paper at affordable prices!

Marijuana laws in this country should be reformed. Shared by many Americans, Keith Stroup founded the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana laws or NORML in 170. NORML views the laws against the possession and sale of marijuana as unfair and works to reform them. In the thirty-two year history of the organization, Keith, along with the other reformers, has made little headway on in this war on drugs. The reformers of NORML work diligently day in and day out to get justice for responsible pot smokers in a society where marijuana smoking appears taboo for many citizens. According to NORML, half a million US citizens get arrested each year on marijuana offenses.

NORML's main purpose, "lobby in Congress and state legislatures for more rational and cost-effective marijuana policies," has other sub-purposes as well. (NORML home) NORML also provides legal assistance, in the form of expert witnesses and criminal attorneys specializing in the defense of marijuana crimes. (NORML Home) Along with attorneys, NORML also provides testimony to help offenders defend themselves in a court of law. This not-for-profit organization also serves as a marijuana law reform advocate with the media nationwide. The mission statement of NORML, adopted by the board of directors February 7, 1, to move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty, says what the organization strives to achieve. (NORML home)

Across the nation, NORML works for the decriminalization of marijuana for recreational and medical use. NORML believes, "All penalties should be eliminated for responsible use." (NORML home) Not only does NORML believe in marijuana decriminalization, but the organization also believes that by doing this, "the crime, corruption, and violence caused by the 'black market' would see a significant reduction due to a legally regulated market […] where consumers could buy marijuana in a safe and secure environment." (NORML home) NORML also works toward the "legalization of hemp, non-psychoactive marijuana, for industrial use." (NORML home)

In terms of national effort, NORML has recently released a half million-dollar ad campaign aimed at getting the word to the masses that you can still achieve success if you smoke marijuana. This campaign features politicians, such a Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, who admits to smoking marijuana. (Wishnia) NORML also maintains an internationally viewable website with which they keep the viewers aware of news around the United States and abroad about the goings on in the marijuana community.

Online writing services offer help on It's OK to be NORML

Texas has some very strict laws on the possession and sale of marijuana. The penalties in Texas range from misdemeanor possession of two ounces or less, which can carry one hundred-eighty days in jail and a two thousand dollar fine, to felony possession of over a ton, which carries five to ninety-nine years in prison and a fifty thousand dollar fine along with a permanent record that will haunt the offender if they ever get released from prison. (NORML home) The laws become even stricter if money is involved in the trade. Even a gift of a quarter of an ounce carries one hundred eighty days in jail and a two thousand-dollar fine. (NORML home) Sale to a minor, under the age of eighteen, carries an immediate felony conviction with two to twenty years in prison and a ten thousand-dollar fine. (NORML home) If the sale takes place within one thousand feet of a school or three hundred feet of a special area, such as a public pool, youth center, or a video arcade, the penalty goes to the next level of punishment. (NORML home) Drug paraphernalia possession in Texas carries only a civil citation and up to a five hundred dollar fine, while the sale of it holds a misdemeanor conviction, one year in jail, and a three thousand-dollar fine. (NORML home)

Among the efforts in Texas, new chapters need to be founded, money raised, and membership increased. (NORML home) Texas NORML has a new president to help achieve these goals. He is Mark Stepnoski, a former Dallas Cowboy center. Mark believes in the responsible use of marijuana as well as the rest of the organization. He also stated that the continued incarceration of responsible marijuana smokers is a waste of taxpayer money and believes marijuana should fall into the same category as alcohol for responsible use by adults only. (Fox)

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana laws aims for the legalization, or having a regulated market, and decriminalization of marijuana. NORML will continue its national efforts with ad campaigns and state chapter efforts to reform the laws in each state. NORML's philosophy emanates in a statement made by President Jimmy Carter, August , 177. "Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than use of the drug itself. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against the possession of marijuana in private for personal use." (NORML home)

Please note that this sample paper on It's OK to be NORML is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on It's OK to be NORML, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on It's OK to be NORML will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Beach

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Beach. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Beach paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Beach, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Beach paper at affordable prices !

The sun shines in my windows creating an ever so bright wave of light stretching throughout the walls that encompass my room. I slowly open up my eyes and reaching up towards the sky, I stretch, realizing that it is the start of a new day. As I sit up in bed, looking down on the sandy beaches below, watching the little children and their families as they dash across the sand into the bright blue waves, the aroma of breakfast cooking below quickly reaches my nose. Before even stopping and thinking twice, I hop out of bed and scamper downstairs to find my mom making pancakes and bacon. I sit down at the little island in the middle of the kitchen on a bar stool type chair and before I know it, my mom places three pancakes and four strips of bacon on a plate in front of me with a bowl of the most delicious fruit off to the side and a glass of milk to my right. After devouring my breakfast, I gaze out the back door, and the looks of the beaches capture my interest and look quite inviting, so without hesitation I put on my black bathing suit, grab my blue and green striped towel and sprint out the back door, down the five steps in to the warm, sun baked sand. As I reach the actual beach where all the people are enjoying the days' activities, I spread out my towel near the waters edge. I spread my towel out ever so carefully so that the bottom of my towel will not come in contact with the water, a wet towel does little good.

Already spralled out on a towel down by the water's edge is my boyfriend and as I gaze over at him, he lays there quietly with sunglasses covering his bright blue eyes as he buries his naked feet in the warm sand. I tap him on the shoulder trying to get his attention, however he does not acknowledge my existence as he is to relaxed listening to the sounds of children playing and the large white tipped waves crashing in front of him. I lean over once again, this time smacking him a little harder. Startled, he quickly sits up and looks over at me, soon a smile comes across his face stretching across each rosy red cheek. We exchange looks as if to read each others minds and we dart up and sprint down in to the water. We reach the edge of the water where it meets the dry sand and he quickly comes to a halt, after setting maybe his big toe in the water. I continue in not worrying about the cold temperature of the water and dive in the wave before it crashes down. All around are children on boogie boards and rafts, a few parents dare to set foot in the water, most stand where my boyfriend is, at the water's edge. I come leaping back towards my boyfriend, covered in water, splashing droplets higher than I am with each footfall. My boyfriend, realizing what I am doing tries to turn and run away before getting splashed, but I catch up to with out trouble. I jump on to his back covering him in the cold water. Before long, he is dragged in to the water with a minimal amount of fighting. As we play in the ocean, jumping the waves and floating in the water together, time quickly passes us by. We head back to dry land in time to dry by the afternoon sun as it is out shining down brightly on the beach.

The beach soon begins to clear out, as families head in for the evening. Not too long after we began sitting on the beach, we hear my mom's voice calling us from the house telling us that it is time to come in and get ready for dinner. With a sigh, we yell back to her that we are on our way. The waves settle down as high tide comes to end. It is almost like a signal that it is time to head in and begin the evenings activities full of dinner and a late night walk on the beach. The stars come out shining bright and the romantic feeling prevails across the beach. Walking down the sand, it is now cold and only a few people roam the beaches. Here and there are a few groups of teenagers, much like ourselves, huddling around life guard chairs or just in the middle of the beach, talking and enjoying the night. We stroll down the beach by the water before finding a perfect place to sit down and relax. Everything seems so perfect, so calm and peaceful. The beaches are illuminated solely by the moon and stars above and the waves crashing on the sand adds to the romantic setting. We sit together enjoying our night, hoping it will never end.

Please note that this sample paper on The Beach is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Beach, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Beach will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dickens/Austen. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dickens/Austen paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dickens/Austen, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dickens/Austen paper at affordable prices!

Dickens/ Austen Prompt

Jane Austen and Charles Dickens portray a marriage proposal in their novels which differ in rhetorical strategies. While Austen uses a more condescending and

non-intimate proposal, Dickens has a more humble and romantic approach to the proposal.

Austen's proposal begins with the phrase that reflects the selfishness and arrogance of his entire proposal "My reasons." Throughout the proposal Austen lists the reasons why he should marry, rather than listing what he has to offer her. His first reason for matrimony is simply that a clergyman "like [him]self should marry in order to set the example." He later adds that his patroness declared that a "clergy man like [him] must marry." Apparently, Austen sets himself on a high horse because of his status as a clergyman. Austen blatantly states, "I am convinced that it will add to greatly to my happiness." No where in his proposal does Austen add that he will bring joy to her life as well, proving that while Austen intends to win her hand in marriage, it is not likely that she is impressed by his choice of words. Further, Austen states, "and thirdly-which perhaps I should have mentioned earlier…"and right when the reader expects Austen to declare his undying love for the woman, he merely reveals that the main reason for his proposal is that his patroness convinced him to do so. Austen's proposal is obviously impersonal and unaffectionate because Austen discloses that his proposal is not something that he necessarily wanted but rather something he and his patroness felt that he needed. When Austen adds that his patroness asked him to "chuse properly, chuse a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own…fund such a woman as soon as you can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her," Austen reveals that this woman will be evaluated under the criteria of his patroness. The only point at which Austen compliments the woman he is proposing to is when he states "your wit and vivacity I think must be acceptable to [my patroness]." It is almost as if he is recruiting someone for a job rather than proposing to a woman. Clearly, Austen uses a cocky marriage proposal without ever appealing to the woman's emotions.

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Charles Dickens, on the other hand, uses a humble and emotionally rich proposal to win the heart of the love of his life. The second sentence in his proposal is simply stated "I love you." These three words contain more meaning and value than Austen's entire proposal, and Austen elaborates it by detailing the "tremendous attraction" he feels for her. He continues by describing the extent of his love for her by stating, "You could draw me to fire, you could draw me to water, you could draw me to the gallows, you could draw me to any death, you could draw me to anything I have most avoided…" The repetition of you could draw me and the hyperbolic ideas serve to emphasize Dickens' vulnerability and passion; he would do anything for her love. At this point the woman is likely enthralled and weak at the knees; Dickens is achieving his purpose. Dickens further convinces the woman of his love for her by stating, "But if you would return a favourable answer to my offer of marriage, you could draw me to good-every good-with equal force." Dickens states that all he needs to be satisfied and content is for her to share her life with him and agree to his proposal. In addition, Dickens explains why he wants to marry her, as well as expresses what he has to offer her, indicating that the selflessness in his proposal. He tells her, "You would want for nothing" in order to convince her of his intentions to satisfy her and make certain that she is fulfilled in their marriage. Dickens also includes that his "reputation is quite high, and it will be a shield for [hers]." Obviously, Dickens is not merely self-interested, but wants her to know of the advantages to marrying him as well. He appeals to her emotions by stating that he longs for her to feel pride in his work, and that he will "try hard that [she] should." Evidently Dickens puts this woman, rather than himself, on a high horse; he strives to impress her and convince her that he has admirable characteristics. Dickens emphasizes his love for her once again by declaring that the makes the proposal "with all [his] heart." By the end of the proposal Dickens appears to plead, "I only add that if it is any claim on you to be in earnest, I am in thorough earnest, dreadful earnest." The repetition of the word earnest implies that Dickens hopes the woman will understand and respond positively to his sincere proposal. This closing sentence is meant to "seal the deal," or finalize her decision. Obviously, Dickens' approach to the proposal of is far more touching and emotional than Austen's manner of proposing.

Jane Austen unsentimental and cocky proposal and Charles Dickens' passionate and selfless proposal differ enormously in their rhetorical strategies. While a woman who received Austen's proposal would be offended and unsympathetic, a woman who received Dickens' proposal would likely be crying tears of joy and bliss.


Please note that this sample paper on Dickens/Austen is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dickens/Austen, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Dickens/Austen will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, May 22, 2020

(Every) day

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on (every) day. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality (every) day paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in (every) day, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your (every) day paper at affordable prices!

(Every) Day at 'The Home'

I have wondered for many years what event prompts decay of people as they age; it's as if their soul departs, leaving only a withered body and fading shadow of what was once a vibrant spirit. Favourite relatives can no longer remember your name, and do not even lift their eyes from the floor as they brood inwardly over some unknown subject. Although once eager to seep in each detail of interest, they now fall into troubled sleep. A sharp memory no longer recalls words communicated the previous minute.

And I have found that the truth lies not in the loss of memory, but in a sense of detachment from the present time, the loss of inseparable companions and ultimately the will to live. And one event above all others summons this change their removal to a nursing home, or some other 'care' centre. I find those very adjectives faintly ironic, as the very atmosphere is one that banishes all energy and resolve from the patient's heart. Existence in it, however, further works to remove all sense of dignity and independence, to humble and to humiliate until all resistance to this is dissipated.

This I have witnessed on multiple occasions, and has led me to form strong opinions on the importance of a approach to healing that focuses not solely on the physical condition of patients, but more so on their outlook and attitude to their circumstances. Watching loved ones being fed by spoons or through plastic tumblers is heartbreaking, as I watch seemingly invincible characters reduced to infants with these actions. A sense of pride is essential to the spirit of man, yet how this possibly be retained when these people are fed with plastic spoons, pulpy food oozing down the faded patterns on cheap nylon bibs? It is not that people become totally incapable, it is their final acceptance of what they are told constantly by those around them, which renders them hopelessly inept in all things.

Write a research paper on (every) day

"Don't be silly Maggie, of course you can't walk, you'll have another fall."

It seems unlikely that she will make future steps when entrapped by this all encompassing web of doubt and negativity, which leads to self-doubt and a feeling of hopelessness. This is one of the things that make me dread visiting the Gran whom I love greatly.

Before entering the building, I first type in a code, making me feel like I am going into prison and wanting to turn back. I feel trapped. And once inside, I am met with a pungent odour of urine and disinfectant. I can taste death, but walking on I pass the dining room where a few souls sit round a table, turned in their wheeled- chairs to face each other, yet completely separate in thought and existence. On the opposite side of the corridor, a mass of bodies stare at a quiz show, hearing the words without actually listening to them. Each room identical, the patients contained in them are in various stages of succumbing to the inevitable. They will all break anyway.

A man scrapes along the passageway ahead, his Zimmer frame seemingly in resistance to his attempt to live freely. I imagine that this long aisle is the stairwell to heaven, then dismiss the thought. I don't believe that a god would let these scenes take place. The home appears like a stopping place before death anyway, a kind of link between life and passing away, but I realise that it could with work be a pleasant time instead of the Hell that has been created for them. I move on into my Gran's room. She is sleeping as always, perhaps dreaming of the past, but it is obvious to me that some of her old spirit still remains intact, and it is frustrating for me to be unable to rekindle this flame, which would surely drive the demons away. She stirs, and I call to her softly, and she opens her eyes without looking up. Searching for her glasses, I hear 'Kilroy' through the cheap hardboard walls and still the smell lingers. Breathing through my mouth only makes me nauseous. I ask her how she is feeling, and she replies

"When am I going home?"

For a while I tried to explain to her what has happened, but she forgets, so now I just tell her something to make her feel better. A pang of conscience hits me, but I assure myself that it's her happiness is more important than truth. She'll have completely forgotten soon anyway.

"Soon, this is just a place for you to have a rest. This is like a hotel, so you can just put your feet up and relax."

"Have I paid for this?"

"Yes, it's all under control, you don't think that we'd let you away with that, do you?"

She allows herself a faint chuckle at this and I can sense a resurgence of her past zest. Slowly, though it fades. Subsequently, Agnes peers round the door before scuttling off. She steals things, putting them in her drawer, perhaps in defiance of the system, and it is her who I see as the sole survivor after being put in here. Or maybe she has just gone crazy, but I like her for that.

And then Gran starts again.

"Will I be here for long?"

I remain patient, but it is hard to watch her inner struggle against a demon waiting for her cease clinging to hope and life. But this is just another visit, with the same smell, the same walls, the same sounds, the same questions and the same people. Something must change, I tell myself. But it's the same, always the same.

Please note that this sample paper on (every) day is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on (every) day, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on (every) day will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dancing the Supersport!

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dancing the Supersport!. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dancing the Supersport! paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dancing the Supersport!, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dancing the Supersport! paper at affordable prices!

Dancing The Supersport!

Good evening chairperson, judges, ladies and gentlemen. I am sure you are all aware of the fact that today's society is becoming increasingly aware of what is considered politically correct, and of the different groups of people who fall victim to discrimination. Unfortunately, one Australian stereotype that has not yet been declared politically incorrect is also the most ridiculous and insulting stereotype ever. The absurd belief, to which I am referring to, is that male dancers are effeminate.

The suggestion that male dancers are effeminate, and the fact that the majority of younger people in today's supposedly "modern" society would believe such a statement, is not so much an insult to male dancers, as it is to our entire community's ideologies. Such an idea is not only ignorant, and poorly grounded; it fails to conform with our country's ideals of equality and acceptance. No man should be made to feel ashamed about the fact that he dances. Anyone who is physically and mentally able to participate in a sport as rigorous and intellectually challenging as dancing deserves nothing but praise!

In this speech, I will compare the sport of dancing with one of Australia's most beloved pastimes, football; and in doing so, will demonstrate on three different levels that dancing is a far more masculine sport.

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In order to prove physical masculinity, men are expected to resist pain and endure injuries. Now, if football really is the more masculine sport, why is that we see images of whimpering men with torn hamstrings in the middle of a footy field on the local news, and why is it that footballer's injuries make headlines? I've never seen a dancer's broken ankle make the front page, and if a dancer did injure himself on stage, he would simply have to keep performing to the best of his ability until an understudy could replace him subtly. He would not dramatise the incident for a bit of media attention, as a footballer would.

On a scientific level, three main elements must be met for an athlete to be considered truly fit. These are, flexibility, endurance and strength. Unlike most other sports, dancing incorporates all three of these elements equally, and as a result, is one of the most physically demanding and severe sports in the world. Football, however, focuses next to solely on strength, and due to their lack of flexibility, many football players develop muscle and joint injuries, and because they are able to 'sub-off' the field, footballers do not possess the great endurance of a dancer, who may have to perform for up to two hours straight. The irony of this predicament is that in order to overcome their lack of flexibility and endurance, many professional football coaches encourage their players to undertake dance classes.

Finally, and probably most significantly, it must be acknowledged that the very nature of football suggests that its players are homosexually inclined. Sweaty men jumping on top of each other, showering together, and in 'special' circumstances, "hopwating" each other is definitely not macho. I don't think I even need to make suggestion as to what happens in the changing rooms. A more masculine sport would be one involving both males and females, requiring participants to interact with each other, and each other's bodies in order to win. Such a sport is dancing.

To conclude, I would like to draw a comparison between the two sports, just to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that dancing is undeniably more masculine than football

He was exhausted, but continued to dance. He knew that if for one fleeting second he showed the pain that was hammering through his limbs, the other couple would win. He spun her once, twice, before snapping her body against his. She was exhausted too; he could feel the sweat on her thigh and her heart beating against his chest. Suddenly he bent her back at a most awkward angle until all he could see were her breasts and stomach. He snapped her body against his one final time and they embraced. The music ended, he knew they had won.

And yet for some strange, and rather brainless reason, the majority of Australian's find this next scenario to be more macho.

He was exhausted, but continued to run. He knew that if he gave into the pain, the other team would win. He dove for the line and grounded the ball in the try area. He had won the game for his team! He was contented, but the glory he was seeking from this triumphant moment was yet to come, and then it happened; all twelve of the other sweaty men in his team ran over, touched him, hugged him…He was in heaven!

This may seem like a comical characterisation of football, however the scenario does carry with it a very serious undertone. I have proven that physically, scientifically, and most definitely sexually, dancing is far more masculine than football. So why is it that male dancers have been labelled homosexuals? The truth is that men don't find dancing to be as simple as running around a football field, or kicking a soccer ball into a goal, and to hide their own incompetencies, ridicule the men who are brave enough to attempt the arduous sport of dance. I say, GROW UP! And see dancing for what it is a truly intense, and masculine sport!


Please note that this sample paper on Dancing the Supersport! is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dancing the Supersport!, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Dancing the Supersport! will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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